Salsnes Filter
Municipal Applications
For new wastewater plants, a Salsnes Filter system can completely replace conventional primary separation. For existing plants, primary solids separation can be augmented to improve plant performance and reduce overall costs.
In a Salsnes Filter system SOLIDS SEPARATION, SLUDGE THICKENING and DEWATERING are performed in one compact unit, removing, on average, 50% TSS, 20% BOD and producing drier sludge (20–30% DM).
A Salsnes Filter system provides primary treatment in a fraction of the footprint, at 30 – 60% lower capital cost and with significantly lower total lifecycle costs when compared to conventional primary treatment. What’s more, sludge handling, transportation and disposal costs are drastically reduced. Today, Salsnes Filter systems are installed around the world in a variety of applications within municipal wastewater treatment plants and in challenging industrial solids separation applications.
Cost-effective, compact, high-performing, chemical-free and sustainable – the Salsnes Filter system defines eco-efficient.

Enclosed Unit

Open Unit
Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) and Stormwater Treatment
There is growing awareness about the adverse environmental effects of releasing untreated stormwater and CSO back into the environment. This has prompted regulatory agencies to mandate facility upgrades for many municipalities.
The Salsnes Filter system is ideal for CSO and stormwater treatment because, unlike other technologies, it has consistent solids removal rates within a wide range of flows.