EnviroMix provides innovative mixing and process control technologies to a broad spectrum of municipal and industrial markets. Founded in 2008, the company delivers solutions that drive down energy costs, reduce operator demands, and enhance process performance. Utilizing patented and proprietary technology, EnviroMix designs and manufactures engineered-to-order, performance-proven technologies that improve water quality and reduce energy consumption for a wide variety of applications in the treatment process. Solutions can be designed for greenfield treatment facilities or integrated into upgrades utilizing existing equipment.
BioMix® Compressed Gas Mixing Systems provide uniform mixing of tank contents by firing programmed, short-duration bursts of compressed air through patented, engineered nozzles located near the tank floor. The mixing parameters may be adjusted to optimize mixing and power utilization, either through operator input or automated process feedback.
- 60% or greater reduction in power usage vs. mechanical mixers, even more vs. diffused air
- Complete mixing with proven negligible oxygen transfer
- All in-tank components are maintenance-free, non-clogging, and self-cleaning
- Easily integrates with aeration equipment for swing zone and mixing limited applications
- Able to accommodate multiple applications, leveraging common compressors and controls
- Compatible with any tank geometry or configuration
- Circular headers conform to the slope of the tank floor, eliminating “dead spots”
Learn More (https://enviro-mix.com/technology-services/biomix/)
The FlexZone™ Adaptive Process Volume System is a flexible activated sludge treatment solution that is designed to address diurnal and seasonal loading conditions while accommodating current and future water quality requirements with an emphasis on optimizing energy efficiency and process control. The FlexZone eliminates unnecessary aeration by integrating a BioMix Compressed Gas Mixing System with diffused aeration equipment to allow for aeration, mixing, or SyncroMix — which is concurrent operation of BioMix and diffused aeration. The system provides a high level of operational flexibility and efficiency throughout the life of the treatment facility.
- Up to 50% energy savings during periods of low loading
- Ideal blend of oxygen delivery and mixing without over-aeration and wasted energy
- Automatically adjusts the bioreactor between anoxic, low dissolved oxygen (DO), and aerobic environments in real-time
- Can be designed for greenfield treatment facilities or integrated into facility upgrades utilizing existing equipment
- Improves nitrogen and phosphorus removal and reduces chemical addition
- Eliminates the need for fixed process volumes segregated by baffle walls
Learn More (https://enviro-mix.com/technology-services/flexzone/)
The BioCycle-D™ Optimized Aerobic Digestion Process provides ideal conditions for aerobic sludge digestion and the reduction of organic matter through endogenous respiration, maximizing volatile solids (VS) destruction, pathogen reduction, and sludge conditioning at a fraction of the expense of conventional aerobic digestion process. The process is also capable of producing Class B biosolids.
- Able to uniformly mix sludge at concentrations up to 4% solids and meet Class B Biosolids for land application
- Facilitates denitrification and provides VS destruction
- Significantly reduces nitrogen and phosphorus in the supernatant return stream to secondary process
- 50% or greater energy savings over a conventional approach to aerobic digestion
- Concurrent operation of aeration and mixing allows air to be turned down indefinitely.
- Controller automatically transitions the cycles from aerobic for VS destruction to anoxic/anaerobic for facilitating denitrification, alkalinity recovery, and energy savings
Learn More (https://enviro-mix.com/technology-services/biocycle-d/)
BioMix-DC™ Enhanced Anaerobic Mixing Systems optimize the anaerobic fermentation process by alternating a short mixing cycle with a long deep cycle. The system is designed to adapt to changing process conditions to optimize volatile fatty acid (VFA) formation and biological phosphorus removal. The deep cycle stratifies the reactor in order to increase anaerobic solids retention time (SRT), minimize oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and maximize VFA formation. These conditions improve biological phosphorus removal.
- Energy savings of 90% or greater vs. continuous mechanical mixing in anaerobic zones
- Proven negligible oxygen transfer
- Operator adjustable mixing frequency optimizes phosphorus removal and maximizes VFA formation
- Easily integrates with other BioMix in anoxic, swing, or post-anoxic zones
- Compatible with in-line mixed liquor fermentation, sidestream RAS fermentation, and sidestream mixed liquor fermentation
- No mechanical or electrical components are in the wastewater
Learn More (https://enviro-mix.com/technology-services/biomix-dc/)
The BioCycle-ENR™ Activated Sludge Process is an integrated biological treatment solution utilizing activated sludge to meet stringent nitrogen and phosphorus requirements. It dynamically adapts to changing conditions by incorporating the patent pending FlexZone Adaptive Process Volume System to automatically transition anoxic, low dissolved oxygen (DO), and aerobic environments. BioCycle-ENR enables facilities to manage reactor volume in real-time to meet nutrient removal demands while improving carbon management, reducing chemical usage, and minimizing energy consumption.
- Matches the reactor environment to real-time demands
- Improves bio-P and minimizes chemical consumption
- Addresses diurnal and seasonal loading conditions in real-time by expanding or contracting anoxic, low DO, and aerobic volumes
- Can be designed for greenfield treatment facilities or integrated into facility upgrades
- Smart process controls and independent mixing and aeration prevent over-aeration and wasted energy
- Optimal operation from day one through the design life of the plant
- Minimal maintenance of in-tank components and easy access to out-of-tank equipment
Learn More (https://enviro-mix.com/technology-services/biocycle-enr/)
CAMix™ Cyclic Aerated Mixing Systems provide simultaneous aeration and mixing through a patent-pending, sequentially actuated diffused aeration system. CAMix delivers significant process benefits and substantial energy savings over conventional continuous aeration throughout the entire tank. Leveraging EnviroMix’s proven intermittent compressed gas mixing technology, CAMix introduces localized proportional air volumes to uniformly mix and aerate areas of a tank in sequence.
- Parameters can be adjusted manually or through instrumentation feedback
- Bottom-up mixing can provide uniformly or partially mixed conditions
- Energy savings of 50% or greater over conventional continuous aeration systems
- Unlimited turn-down capability eliminates over-aeration
- Substantiallyreduced blower sizes decrease capital expense
- Compatible with any tank geometry, configuration, or depth
Learn More (https://enviro-mix.com/technology-services/camix/)
AquaBlend™ Potable Water Mixing Systems provide mixing of water treatment process basins and water storage tanks using impurity-free compressed air. In potable water storage tanks, mixing is an effective tool for meeting regulatory requirements for control of microbial contaminants and reduction of disinfection byproducts (DBPs). AquaBlend can also provide mixing of water treatment plant sludge tanks to maintain homogeneity and in powdered activated carbon (PAC) contactors to improve removal efficiency of unpleasant taste and odor compounds.
- No submerged electrical components
- Zero in-tank maintenance
- Homogenization of tank contents
- Disinfection depletion slowdown
- Greater energy efficiency than mechanical mixers
- Bottom-up mixing in tanks of any size
Learn More (https://enviro-mix.com/technology-services/aquablend/)
A BioMix-AD™ Anaerobic Digester Mixing System provides uniform mixing of anaerobic digester tank contents by firing programmed, short-duration bursts of compressed biogas through patented, engineered nozzles located near the tank floor. The mixing parameters may be adjusted to optimize mixing and power utilization, either through operator input or automated process feedback. BioMix-AD enables facilities to meet sludge disposal regulations and reduce energy costs, while reducing their carbon footprint and recovering biogas as a renewable energy source.
- All in-tank components are maintenance free, non-clogging, and self-cleaning.
- Complete tank mixing with 90%+ active volume
- Increased biogas production
- 50% or greater reduction in power usage compared to conventional mixing technology
- Bottom-up mixing in digesters of any depth or geometry
- Nozzle headers conform to the slope of the tank floor, eliminating “dead spots”
Learn More (https://enviro-mix.com/technology-services/biomix-ad/)
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Bradford, PA |
Beckley, WV |
Pleasant Hills, PA |